Monday, October 12, 2009

Do you know?

note : I wont get any profit/benefit for promoting these sites.

Just sharing with you guys :)
To the Bestarians Mungkeys : All the best in SPM, jiayouuuuu!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Some Videos taken by SmallMediumLarge


We DID NOT realise that the lens were actually aiming on everyone's private part..

We were trying to test the sound because we said that the one nearest to the camera have the roughest voice..


waited so long for the first vid..
pai seh..
i malas want wait others..
still got 2 more.. =.="
this one so small already used up my precious 30 min..

go find siaw to watch or give me pendrive bah..

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I simply cannot believe it.

taken from ;)

Kawan-kawan sekalian, mari kita manfaatkan masa melayan Fazebuk dengan bermain

: Tekan sini woi!

*muntah darah*
Lepas ni sumpah saya tak nak menulis belog dalam BM dah.

nota : Sinkof dalam Italik.